Volume 1, No. 2

Volume 1, No. 2


modern weaver

October, 1954

weave structures, projects and articles:

weaving pattern: 2-2 basket
weaving pattern: 3-3 basket
encyclopedia of handweaving cont.
question box
calculating table for reeds

Modern Weaver was published by Nilus Leclerc, marketed as ‘a bulletin for handweavers published by handweavers’. Nilus Leclerc was founded in Québec in 1906, producing church furniture and all wood weaving looms. The addition of floor loom model options grew over the years, and eventually the company was purchased by Maurice Brassard et Fils and re-named Leclerc Looms in 1995. Each issue included articles on fiber, weaving drafts and projects, and textile related information. 6 issues were distributed a year.

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Approx. 21-22 pages

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